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Coronavirus or COVID – 19 is an infectious disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome corona virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The disease originated from Wuhan, China and then caused global pandemic. Here we will see Covid-19 latest updates of 2021.

- Fever
- Dry Cough
- Fatigue
- Shortness of breathe
- Muscle or Joint pain
- Headache
- Sore throat and chills
- Diarrhoea and Nausea
According to WHO, Healthcare experts and research by many countries, the disease is spread during close contact by small droplet produced when people cough, sneeze, talk. It may also spread when a person touches a contaminated surface and then touches one’s eyes, mouth or nose. The viruses is most contagious when people are symptomatic also it can spread as well when there are no symptoms at all.


WHO has published several testing methods and process for the disease. The standard method of testing is real time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (rRT-PCR). This test is done physically on respiratory samples obtained by nasopharyngeal swab, however a nasal swab may also be use. Results are generally available within a few hours to two days
As per 2020 now, there were no vaccine available for curing diseases, however as the symptoms were similar to Pneumonia patients were been treated based on it.
However as 2021 arrived, many countries who were researching and studying the virus came up with vaccines as the primary treatment of the covid affected patients. Many countries such as, India, America, Russia were at the top of the competition.
Vaccines brought the cure but also brought the race of maximum production and profit for many vaccine based tycoon medical system has such as BioNTech vaccine, Moderna, Bharat Biotech vaccine, Serum Institute of India and many more. Vaccines normally require years of testing and additional time to produce at scale, but scientists all over the world by guidance of WHO worked hard to get it in time. Many countries started their Phase I trial in late 2020 itself.
How does Vaccines work?
Vaccines provide the immune system with harmless copies of an antigen which is a portion of the surface of a virus that the immune system recognises as foreign. Also sometimes vaccine may also provide a non-active version of a toxin which is a poison produced by a virus – so that the body can produce a defence against it. But this task is not easy as it looks as ,Standard procedures are to be followed based on Global Health Parameters as this vaccines are to be given to millions of peoples.
Vaccine testing has few stages such as pre-clinical testing on animals, Phase I includes clinical testing on a small group of people to determine its safety and to learn more about the immune response it provokes, Phase II includes expanded safety trials, and phase III testing is done by administering it to thousands of people to confirm its effectiveness.

As prevention is better than cure, we must try to prevent COVID – 19 in first place. For prevention and to reduce the chances of infection, person should stay at home, avoid crowded places, washing hands with soap and water frequently for at least 20 seconds practicing good respiratory hygiene and avoid touching nose, mouth and eyes. Use of cloth face covering or mask in public places is recommended.
Social distancing guidelines is carried out in whole world in aiming to reduce contact of infected person with large groups by closing and restricting schools, workplaces, gyms, fitness clubs, national and international travels, large public gathering etc.
As there was no vaccine expected till 2021, a key part of managing and controlling COVID – 19 was trying to decrease the epidemic peak also known as flattening of curve

Flattening of curve refers to community isolation measures that keep the daily number of disease cases at a manageable level for medical providers.
In less then a month, the global number confirmed COVID – 19 cases doubled from about 75000 cases on Feb. 20 to more than 150,000+ on March 15. Now this shows how the infection rate grows out of control if not taken care of. You can see Italy and now America suffering a lot due to this also the death rates is the highest.
Here comes the need of flattening the curve. In contrast to a steep rise of corona virus infection a more gradual increase of cases will see the same number of people get infected, however without overburdening the healthcare system at one time. The idea of flattening the curve is to stagger the number of new cases over a longer period so that people have better access to treat and care.
Now this process can be successfully completed by following certain measures such as testing every single suspect and patient or else other political measures such as social distancing or quarantines. If everyone follow these measures definitely we can control the pandemic and save millions of lives.
Top Immune Boosting Measures
Reduce stress
Plan healthy diet with vegetables and different fruits
Reduce alcohol consumption
Stop smoking
Exercise and Yoga
Sleep well
Drink enough water

Top Immune Boosting Foods
- Turmeric
- Sweet potatoes
- Spinach
- Ginger
- Garlic
- Green tea
- Almonds
- Yogurt
- Papaya
- Citrus fruits like grapefruit, lemon, oranges
- Kiwis
- Broccoli
In Covid-19 Pandemic, research has shown that people with prior health issues such as diabetes, hypertension and heart diseases are suffering a lot due to the Corona virus as body has low immune power. In such critical cases, you need a healthy nutritious diet which may help boost your immunity preventing any diseases. best healthy meal with balanced levels of proteins, carbs with 100% good quality. Also these meals are best for diabetic persons and you know what these are really at low prices…
We have a detailed information regarding many Home remedies which are useful when you are far from any medical services and only thing you are depend on are the natural cures.